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    Project SDG NAVIGATOR aspires to raise individuals’ capacity to act as true agents of change for sustainability, reinforcing their social and ecological mindset and improving their skillset through an innovative, future-oriented training.

    The core objective is to develop:

    • a Sustainability Changemaker Competences Dictionary that maps and expands on key competences  for sustainability-driven entrepreneurship described in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes;
    • a Sustainability NAVIGATOR Learning Path that provides individuals with learning resources and changemaking  tools to strengthen their sustainability-oriented entrepreneurial competences and guide them through the entrepreneurial process and diverse stages, amplifying and broadcasting their impact;
    • the SDG NAVIGATOR Hub and Toolbox that offer an online open-access platform with learning resources and complementary learning paths on sustainability entrepreneurship, enabling personalised and action-oriented approaches to learning.


    Project SDG NAVIGATOR addresses the following priorities:

    1. “Environment and fight against climate change” by creating conditions to build knowledge, skills, and attitudes targeting sustainable development and social and ecological-entrepreneurship. It will contribute to developing a culture of sustainability, creating a background that enables individuals and the organisations they integrate to define and implement suitable action plans to act on sustainable development education and sustainability-driven entrepreneurship, pervading the different life roles.
    2. “Adapting vocational education and training to labour market needs”, by developing learning resources to reinforce individuals’ competences, enabling them to better address labour market needs, as well as those of glocal communities, proactively and with a sustainable entrepreneurial mindset. The involvement of associated partners and other local stakeholders in the diverse project phases will also boost stronger cooperation between educational institutions and business and local communities, contributing to upskilling educators and community leaders in competences that have the required impacts in how sustainability can be taught and integrated into targeted VET, organisations, and community-based actions.
    3. “Increasing attractiveness of VET” by developing and providing highly relevant future-oriented content (focused on both sustainability entrepreneurial competences and sustainability project-related processes and strategies), cutting-edge, digital, open educational resources (including diverse interactive learning resources available on an online hub), and innovative learnercentred and action-oriented learning methodologies (inspired by storytelling, design thinking, and play-based methods), proved to be efficient in education for sustainable development.


    The project’s direct target groups are:

    1. VET learners, including all individuals interested in sustainability-related topics,
    2. VET providers, and
    3. business entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs.

    The project will additionally target other educators, consultants, and relevant stakeholders leading sustainable development initiatives at the local and national level in the participant countries, especially those trying to raise individuals’ participation and accountability in this collective call-out.


    The SDG NAVIGATOR Digital Hub and Toolbox (SNDH) integrates the Sustainability Changemakers Competences Dictionary (SCCD) and the Sustainability NAVIGATOR Learning Path (SNLP), to offer an interactive and personalised exploration of the available resources. It also has a thematic toolbox designed to support educators and consultants
    in facilitating more dynamic and customised consultancy-training processes on sustainability-driven entrepreneurship,
    as well as individuals expanding on competences and processes that are critical for them or for the challenges and opportunities they are dealing with.

    The SNDH toolbox contains interactive exercises, that are organised and displayed by the process stages defined in
    the Sustainability NAVIGATOR Learning Path (SNLP) and the competences defined in the Sustainability Changemakers Competences Dictionary (SCCD).

    The interactive learning resources like storytelling, videos, interactive infographics, action cards, and flashcards, quizzes, etc developed within the Sustainability NAVIGATOR Learning Path (SNLP) can be used in stand-alone mode and customized to individual preferences. This set of attractive, playful, real-world-oriented activities are aimed at supporting further content exploration and application. We recommend these tools and resources as pre- and post-training assessments on the training themes.


    UAB Theoria / Xwhy


    Xwhy specialises in applied humanities and social sciences, our team is striving to explore social, cultural, ethical and other everyday contexts of people and to find sustainable solutions for the issues. Our aim is to pioneer a new, enriched vision of research and design practices – a well-thought combination of both empowers to make better decisions and create an impact.

    Our focus is sustainability and culture related projects. We base our work on participatory research and active stakeholders’, communities’ involvement in the process.




    Mindshift Talent Advisory is consulting company specialised in Human Resources that invests in the performance and upskilling of people’s competences, seeking to boost the digital and interpersonal maturity in organisations and society.

    At national level, Mindshift Talent Advisory has as one of its main partners The Key Talent Portugal, a HR Tech Consulting specialised in Social Attraction and Talent Assessment that develops platforms, such as Panorama and AplyGo, that allow to optimise, implement and manage digital, agile and attractive HR processes based on data analysis.

    At European level, we are a strategic partner for the development of transnational cooperation projects aiming at to create innovative solutions in the area of youth and adult training, in six key-areas: upskilling & reskilling, inclusion & employability, sustainable development, women empowerment, entrepreneurship & creativity, and digital talent.

    Mindshift Talent Advisory is strongly committed with principles of Social Responsibility and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, bringing together a team of staff with various backgrounds and professional experience.



    DISRUPTIA is a company expert in digital transformation that envisions smart technologies as game-changing tools to fully exploit the opportunities that digitalization can provide towards building the sustainable society of the future. DISRUPTIA supports education entities and public institutions to define clear goals for an effective digital transformation strategy, fostering the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem and enhancing digital skills and competences for the digital transformation.



    IDEC is a training consulting company located in Piraeus, Greece. Its activities consist of training, management consulting, quality assurance, evaluation and development of ICT solutions for both private and public sector. It has been accredited as a lifelong learning centre and organises in-service training courses for teachers and trainers, study visits and informal learning activities for students in initial education and training.



    CEDRU – Centre for Studies and Urban and Regional Development, Ltd. is a technical consulting company in land use management, economics, society, and culture. Strategic planning, land use management, urban planning, capacity building and institutional development, European studies, and public policy evaluation are our main approach areas. Simultaneously applied research, training, or scientific, technical, and cultural meetings development are CEDRU regular activities. With diverse skills and professional and academic preparation, the core team is supported by an extensive network of national and international consultants. Counting on more than 35 years of experience, CEDRU has been pursuing a constant update among its various actuation areas, technical, scientific, cultural skills, and infrastructure (facilities and equipment). From this accumulated and treated knowledge, from the experiences and experiments, we continue to pay attention to The History of the Future, one of our leading positions in the territory’s approaches. History is continually being written and updated.



    GZS is the largest independent, voluntary, non-profit association of companies in Slovenia. It was founded in 1851 and today boasts more than 5,200 member companies of all shapes, sizes, branches, and regional backgrounds. Our member companies contribute about 50 % of gross value added of the Slovenian economy and generate 2/3 of sales in foreign markets. GZS is involved in various projects co-funded by the European Union. These projects allow us to connect with companies, industry associations and chambers, universities and research organisations, incubators and science parks, clusters, policymakers and many other stakeholders across Europe. With European interdisciplinary project teams, we gain new knowledge and experiences, offer new services/products, and bring new and useful topics to the business community in Slovenia.



    CARDET is the leading research and development centre in the Mediterranean region with global expertise in VET, Sustainable Development, entrepreneurship digital skills, and capacity building. As the largest independent non-profit centre based in Cyprus, CARDET is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as the Yale University, the University of Nicosia and the International Council of Educational Media. CARDET has completed more than 500 initiatives and projects relating to VET, sustainable development, innovation, and entrepreneurship, digital transformation and digital skills, green transition.



    Meta4 Innovations is a research and development organization that designs and develops innovative tools, methodologies, products and services in the field of digital learning innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainable development, social inclusion and technology empowered solutions that pragmatically respond to current social and economic challenges and simultaneously foresee and intuitively drive the changes needed to achieve future goals of a sustainable learning community.

    Meta4 is a reputed training provider in VET and Adult education that supports vulnerable and marginalised persons such as migrants, women and youth. Our beneficiaries include public authorities, private organizations, civil society, non-profit organizations, SMEs and marginalised communities.




      SCCD defines the combination of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that could empower individuals to become true agents of change towards sustainability through their different life roles and choices eg: workers, citizens, consumers, etc.


      SNLP consists seven learning
      modules structured around seven sustainability-driven entrepreneurship stages and related processes, mobilising the competences in SCCD.

      The seven stages/modules are based on a well-known process-oriented framework on sustainability-driven entrepreneurship:

      1. get ready
      2. discovery
      3. planning
      4. start-up
      5. build-out
      6. consolidation
      7. outreach


      The learning hub will integrate  the SCCD and the SNLP to offer  an interactive and personalised exploration of the available resources. It will also additionally include a thematic toolbox designed to support educators and consultants



      1. Get ready

      2. Discovery

      3. Planning

      4. Start-up

      5. Build-out

      6. Consolidation

      7. Outreach

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